
Thursday, February 10, 2011

When looking for someone, I feel like I get caught in between having to settle for someone I have nothing in common with or just being lonely.

This has been the case for so long that I just haven't even bothered with a relationship for years. People talk about perfect/ideal boyfriends or girlfriends, but that's not what I want. I don't expect perfection. It would just be nice to be within the ballpark of compatibility.

Same way for friends.

Ugh. Just talking about relationships/friendships is really depressing to me.

I would love to be around people and be a lot more sociable in theory, but I just don't enjoy it when I am.

I still insist on doing it though from time to time, mostly because it's kind of expected by society.

If I can't even find friends I relate to, it's going to be hard to find a significant other

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