
Friday, July 8, 2011

I am writing this to share some of my experiences with marijuana; a drug that is in my opinion, extremely under studied and highly misunderstood. It was this very plant that first pried me from reality as I once knew it, unraveled the very fibers of my consciousness, and for that I am ever grateful. It takes a drug-induced experience to truly reveal the potential of the human mind. I sincerely believe we all have the ability to interact with a multitude of altered mindframes; each one unique, each one with something to offer, and we are deluding ourselves by refusing to accept this. My endeavors with marijuana have taught me this; to limit one's consciousness is to deprive one's self. Reality is essentially multi-faceted; there is so much more to life that remains unexplored by many of us, and psychoactives serve to inform us of these vast possibilities.

Ever since the first inhalation, I had been intrigued by the effects of marijuana. I am not a spiritual person, and yet I would certainly describe the marijuana high as nothing short of 'enlightening'. Being a man whose religion consists of logic and reason, marijuana shook the foundation of my straight and narrow principles; I had been very anti-drug prior to experimenting with marijuana, and saw no value in altering my 'perfect' neurochemistry. Little did I know that I was far from perfection, and that the first introduction of cannabinoids into my body would gradually blossom into something which until this day, fascinates me.

I did not learn much from my first encounters with the drug. Being unaccustomed, my memory was very jaded, and I could not recall specific emotions and thoughts whilst under the influence. The only solution to this age-old dilemma, as I have now discovered, is to continue using it. The brain has a wonderful way with chemical intervention; it can adapt and respond in a more positive fashion once it has been exposed to a substance for a prolonged period of time. As of now, 2 years after my first sketchy encounters, my ability to recall thought has dramatically improved while under the influence, as have other aspects. My motor function still remains impaired, but only to a slight degree. When I concentrate, I find that I can still exhibit controlled dexterity with tasks such as drawing or percussion, both very rewarding whilst high. But when I am in a situation where I can release my focus and simply let the drug take over, such as in the shower, something peculiar occurs. I feel almost as if each and every part of my body is fixed to an axis, and my movement is restricted to rhythmic, repetitive cycles. I can easily control this feeling, but I see no reason to, for I do enjoy it, strange as it may sound. I also become aware of a sort of separation between body and mind. My body becomes a mere minion of my brain, a robotic mass of rhythmic muscle contraction; difficult to describe in words. In all their peculiarity, it is during these occurrences that I can let my mind roam free. I can only achieve this during times when I am alone, and for me, the shower seems to be the ideal area for cannabis-inspired contemplation. My imagination has no horizon; I spontaneously jump from one random thought to another, most of which manifest a type of creativity which I normally do not possess. I can always seem to generate a series of random imagery at will, and the clarity with which I can envision them is beyond what I can accomplish sober. The only negatives that present themselves are the fact that much of these thoughts and images are indeed random and in fast succession, and it is difficult to process them so that I may recall them later. I am adapting to this; slowly bringing back more and more thoughts and feelings from the marijuana experience, and although not all of them are of use, I find it quite intriguing, if not a little befuddling. Long trains of spontaneous, creative thought are typically not in my character.

Much of what I think and do while high on marijuana is quite out of character for me. I undergo what I call a 'mentalmorphosis'; a change very difficult for others to detect, even those very close to me, for it is of purely cerebral nature. The way in which I convey myself seldom changes even when I am overly intoxicated, yet there are differences in my mannerisms that are so intricate as to only be recognized by myself. I will show a greater interest in the arts at times, especially music, art, even cooking. A song will have much more depth, lyrics and instruments tend to embody emotions that can only seem to be derived while high. The effect of sound and its ability to evoke thought and feeling are heightened. A good work of art will open itself up when beholded through enlightened eyes; this could be a painting, literature, a movie. And cooking becomes a journey, a quest motivated by the will to create something worthy of my taste. My lack of cooking skill does not allow me to develop anything special, but the pleasure of eating while high can make any culinary monstrosity taste exceptional. The taste sensations experienced under the influence of marijuana are quite astounding to me, I would say that it is the sense most adversely affected. Deep fried foods release their warm, oily flavors, and their crunchiness is exemplified. Mashed potatoes have a profound smooth, earthy texture, and meats feel pleasurably moist and firm against the teeth, and the list goes on. It takes longer for me to finish a meal, simply because flavor sensations become more intense, and I will savor them almost to excess. I remember consuming a bowl of popcorn one night, one kernel after another, tasting each one individually, because that was all that was necessary.

These are just a few of the effects of marijuana that I find particularly interesting. There is indeed much to be learned as to the limits of human perception. As I have concluded from my usage of the drug, there really is no limit to be spoken of; only factors which cause limitation. In this day and age, the media strikes me as one such factor, spreading mass amounts of unsupported claims and misinterpretation. I do, however, see this as a waning trend; society is slowly becoming more informed. My relationship with this profound plant still progresses, and I am continuing in my efforts to make sense of the drug's impact upon my thought and feeling. I hope one day to be able to harness the power of marijuana, to strive ever forward in my passion to seek alternate levels of consciousness. We have only one life to live; why not live it a variety of different ways?
Listen up. This is a list that is pretty accurate as to why the rich are rich and why you are poor. Don't hate on it, learn from it man. Start making changes in your life TODAY.

Rich or poor, which category do you fit in?

Most people want to be rich, but most of them are poor, why?

There must be some differences between rich people and poor people. If you study carefully, you will find out why rich and successful people are able to produce amazing results in their life, and why some people are living in poverty.

To be rich and successful, you don’t need to be lucky, extremely hard working or you need to have a college diploma or a university degree.

What you need, is the right mindset and the right mindset will form the right habit. As a result, the right habit will lead you toward the financial abundance kind of lifestyle that you always desire.

So here are the 7 main differences between rich and poor people…

1. Rich people believe that they create their lives while poor people believe that life happens to them. Can you see why rich and successful people are able to create amazing results in their life right now?

It is simply because they are in control of their lives. They believe that they are the ones who is responsible for their lives, they are the ones who is creating their future, not the economy or the knowledge or luck.

On the other hand, poor people will always give excuses and blame on the circumstances. When they failed in their business, they will blame the economy, their boss, their family or anything that did not go according to their plan.

Whenever you believe that life happens to you, you will lose the power to change and the power to control your future. You must believe that you’re the one who is creating your future, not other people or events.

2. Rich people play the money game to win but poor people play the money game just not to lose money. This is a big mindset difference.

Have you ever seen people invest in the stock market? Some people are so afraid that they will lose their money and they form a mindset that blocks their creativity. They formed the mindset of ‘investing not to lose the money’.

However, rich and successful people know exactly how they need to think in order to win the game of money. They will think and act from the view of playing the game to win. Unlike poor people, they will never invest just not to lose the money.

3. Rich people think and focus on opportunities while poor people focus on obstacles. When you face with problems, what are you focus on?

Are you focus on the problems, thinking how bad the situation is going to be? Or are you focusing on the solution and thinking about how you can solve or even turn the situation into opportunity?

Think about this carefully. No matter who you are, you will definitely face with all kinds of choices in your life. And when you need to decide to move on, try to notice on you thinking, what do you focus on, the solution, or the problem?

4. Rich people dare to dream big, poor people think small. When I tell my parents that I want to make a million dollar, they will tell me, “Why do you need so much money? You can live a very good lifestyle if you got a job that has a good pay. You don’t need to be a millionaire.”

I don’t know about you, but this statement happens to me all the time. And I definitely believe that poor people will tend to think small while rich people always think big.

To poor people, they will think that rich people are greedy because they always think big. Is it true that you are being greedy if you think big? I don’t know if I buy this, but to me, I’ll think of it as a waste if you’re not using the resources available (your thinking) to you at full.

Don’t you owe it to everyone around you to create a better life for them? Don’t you want your family to live good? So think big and create the abundance lifestyle for these people right now.

5. Rich people are committed to their dreams, poor people are just dreaming about their dreams. Yes, this is an obvious one.

If you’re not committed to be rich, you can never be rich. How many times have you heard people say that they want to be rich, but they never do anything about it?

This is the mentality of poor people. They will just think about how good it is going to be if they are rich, but they will never do anything about their dreams. They know that they cannot afford a luxury car if they have a low pay job. The thing is, they never do anything to change it.

On the contrary, rich and successful people are committed toward their dreams. They will do whatever it takes, in the boundary or moral and ethics of course, to achieve their dreams.

6. Rich people associate with rich and successful people. Poor people will associate with poor people. Do you have any rich friends? Or all of your friends are poor?

I’m not suggesting that you need to stop making friends with poor people, what I’m suggesting it, try to get to know more about rich people. The more you mix with them, the more you will think like them. And if you think like them, you will start to create amazing results just like them.

If most of your friends are poor and their working salary all are below, $2,000, you will be having the same range of salary most of the time. However, if you associate with rich people who are making $2,000 in just a day, you will start to see the possibility of what you can accomplish in your life.

And this will change your thinking of what you can achieve in your life. $2,000 will become a small amount for you once you changed your mindset about money.

7. Rich people good learners while poor people think that they have learned everything in the world. One of the fastest ways to be financially abundance is to learn directly from people who have already achieved this status.

And if you’re not willing to learn, you will never be able to be successful. If you want to get the best pay, you must be the best. And the only way you can be the best is to learn from the best and learn to be the best.

You now know what are the 7 main differences between rich and poor people. Do what rich people do and try to avoid the adopting the mindset and habits of the poor.

This will guarantee you a financial abundance lifestyle.

Thursday, July 7, 2011