
Friday, February 4, 2011

I dont feel bad about being alone. I know at one point, It can feel like your at the lowest most terrible thing ever. But then you realize that there's some beautiful power and independence, and peace that is gained with loneliness. It makes you stronger when your on your own .Besides you can't depend on others anyway. They only use you for their needs.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

in 1945 most of the important world was literally in ruins, except America. We took over. We rebuilt the world. Since then America has only become stronger.

Economically we have forced our policies on most of the developing world (think the Washington Consensus), making it easier for our corporations to control them and exploit their resources. It has lead the US to have by far the largest and most powerful economy ever imagined by humans.

Culturally the US has shaped the aspirations of people all around the globe. Not just with our movies or music, but we have shaped the very frame work that billions of people see the world from.

Politically, look where the UN is at. We have set up puppet states all across the world. We have spread democracy and freedom to countries that didn't even know they wanted it.

Militarily, we still have the best most powerful army on Earth. We can kill people in Pakistan from a room in Nevada via drone.

Educationally, we have the best university system in the world. We attract the best and brightest from all across the world.

Scientifically, we made the internet, we landed on the fucking moon. WE LANDED ON THE FUCKING MOON.

The point of this topic is that, even if America is experiencing a demise, even if China rises, no civilization will ever be as powerful as America was during the later half of the 20th century. If you are an American you literally wont the birth lottery to be born here during these times.
If you believe that you don't understand science or religion very well

Religion is brilliant in the sense that nothing can ever disprove it since it works on faith. It may be able to shake your faith in Santa Claus or whatever but it can't definitively destroy it.

But also religion has the ability to adapt to science. People will shit all over intelligent design but the idea that God can use science to do his bidding is a pretty forward thinking way of doing things if you're in charge of the church

I respect this opinion but I am not sure if I agree. Religion may have the ability to adapt to science, but science will never adapt to religion. Saying that God can use science to do his bidding is a forward way of thinking sure, but the Bible doesn't say it happened like this. If you start customizing your religion and providing explanations that aren't in the scripture where do you draw the line between what should be taken as true and what should be taken as "symbolic". If you feel like your religion can be adapted to make more sense and fit in with scientific findings, it seems like the religion looses credibility.

Please don't take this as a attack on your beliefs, I am not trying to piss anyone off. I just always find this debate interesting.
I also have a problem when athiests defend one religion over another. All of them are bullshit, not because what is written in them could be morally right or wrong, but because they exist simply to explain the "unexplainable" or control the lives of people in some fashion. So, if you are an athiest and like to say how "x" religion sucks because of "y" experience you/someone you know had, go fuck yourself with a giant metal rod, we don't need your self-righteous bullshit anymore than we need anyone else's. To any religious person: You are ignorant/stupid/misinformed if you truly think that supernatural forces of any kind are at work in our existence or the existence of any part/parts of the universe - just because it is not explainable now does not mean it cannot be explained with time.

Now, I admire some of the information one can pick up from various religious texts, but that does not mean that the text is fully reasonable as a whole, and certainly does not mean that it is "universal truth" of any kind.

On that note, if anyone can prove the supernatural, I hear someone is willing to pay a million for that proof - so why not get rich with your knowledge?

I also want to point out that any god(s) are supernatural (which is why I avoid saying god/gods when arguing), along with ESP, psychics, and faith healers.

Fan of "z" because it isn't a religion per'say, just a "set of moral codes" to guide your life? At least you are on the right track, but who defines what is right or wrong? Someone, at some time, created these rules to control the behavior of another, even if they had the intention of helping all of humanity. However, good will is an insidious shield for the wrong mind-set of a culture who blindly follows what another says. Think about it: Do you really think that suicide bombers think their actions evil? I'm sure they think their actions are completely correct in many cases. Does not killing anyone solve this worlds problems? Sure it would be nice to live in a world where no-one killed anyone else, but that is not going to happen any time soon - people are naturally greedy.

My problem with atheism

Many atheists should be called anti-christians. I'm pretty sure Christianity creates more atheists than any other faith.

Many atheists arguments and stereotypes that atheists like to use come from criticism of the Bible and Christianity which in my view is an irrational faith (Hence why so many young Mormons become atheists). I personally believe that many atheists are born not out of the ability and/or willingness to believe in a Supreme God but are born out of the ability and/or willingness to believe in the God that Christianity presents.

You don't see many atheists openly insulting and badmouthing the Qur'an because most atheists come from Christian families or Christian environments. Also you can't so easily refute the Qur'an or make it look stupid.

I think if a lot of atheists objectively read/studied the Qur'an for themselves they would see how religion can be rational, logical, and science and religion don't have to clash and how the two are perfectly reconcilable. In fact the 1500 year old Qur'an has many scientific truths in it that weren't widely known at the time.

I believe I'll write a paper before Feb 22 on how science is not the enemy of religion and how God and science not only do not refute each other but how they are so closely intertwined and post it here.
