
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I also have a problem when athiests defend one religion over another. All of them are bullshit, not because what is written in them could be morally right or wrong, but because they exist simply to explain the "unexplainable" or control the lives of people in some fashion. So, if you are an athiest and like to say how "x" religion sucks because of "y" experience you/someone you know had, go fuck yourself with a giant metal rod, we don't need your self-righteous bullshit anymore than we need anyone else's. To any religious person: You are ignorant/stupid/misinformed if you truly think that supernatural forces of any kind are at work in our existence or the existence of any part/parts of the universe - just because it is not explainable now does not mean it cannot be explained with time.

Now, I admire some of the information one can pick up from various religious texts, but that does not mean that the text is fully reasonable as a whole, and certainly does not mean that it is "universal truth" of any kind.

On that note, if anyone can prove the supernatural, I hear someone is willing to pay a million for that proof - so why not get rich with your knowledge?

I also want to point out that any god(s) are supernatural (which is why I avoid saying god/gods when arguing), along with ESP, psychics, and faith healers.

Fan of "z" because it isn't a religion per'say, just a "set of moral codes" to guide your life? At least you are on the right track, but who defines what is right or wrong? Someone, at some time, created these rules to control the behavior of another, even if they had the intention of helping all of humanity. However, good will is an insidious shield for the wrong mind-set of a culture who blindly follows what another says. Think about it: Do you really think that suicide bombers think their actions evil? I'm sure they think their actions are completely correct in many cases. Does not killing anyone solve this worlds problems? Sure it would be nice to live in a world where no-one killed anyone else, but that is not going to happen any time soon - people are naturally greedy.

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