
Saturday, April 30, 2011


Title: Black and White

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.

Scene 1

INT. White room.

Camera: work with a door opening, the bright light behind the door reveals the previously pitch black room as white.

There is a man (Ezekiel. He looks like a young man, at the prime of his life. He has dark eyes and curly black hair, a sharp hooked nose compliments his oval face) sitting on a white chair in the middle of the room. Ezekiel is clothed in a full white suit; the only exception is a black tie and black shoes. Ezekiel is not conscious.
(camera focus on black shoes with background blur, and slow transsision of focus to black tie and gradually overall apperance)

God – a dark skinned man appears through the light, he is fully clothed in white, and approaches Ezekiel, taking his time.

Ezekiel slowly regains his consciousness.

(camera focus on his eyelids, slowly zooming out to show entire face)

Ezekiel (dazed): “wha... what? Where am i?”
(sideview of his mouth opening, minimal facial features discovered)

God (Reassuring and strong): “Do not worry, you are safe”

Ezekiel (Slightly less dazed)
: “where...where am I, I don’t remember....where?”

God: “You are dead my dear Ezekiel; I have come to talk to you. Will you listen?”

Ezekiel ( a tad bit shocked, not overly, still dazed): “, its not possible”

God reaches out and touches Ezekiel on the head

(camera moves from tip of finger to forehead)

God (Commanding): “Remember”

Flashes of light ensue, flashes of pictures, a dirty road, grey buildings, a beautiful girl, and old woman, four little children, a marriage ceremony , and finally a hospital bed. Ezekiel gasps for air.

God: “You are okay my child, you are okay”

Ezekiel is lost for words at first. Slowly he shakes it off and looks straight into the eyes of God

Ezekiel: “where am I, what is this place, who are you?”

God: “So many questions (laugh). You have never changed Ezekiel Ashlag, since the moment you knew how to speak. I am God, Ezekiel, your father in heaven. Although this is not heaven per se.

Ezekiel (fear): “not heaven?...”

God: “No, not hell either , think of it as a transit station before you reach the final destination. You still have many things holding you back Ezekiel, we have to sort them out first before you can enter my kingdom. Come stand up, lets go for a stroll”

As they start walking, their conversation slowly fades into the background.
(camera still and blurs focus of individuals) A tracking shot follows the two man into the light which leads them outside. A beautiful scene is before them. As they start walking. The camera pans outward away from them and slowly looks toward the blue sky, the shot fades into black

Cue to titles. “
To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.

(about 2 mins)

Scene 2

INT. White corridor

Change shot into an aerial zoom down toward the two characters (God and Ezekiel). They continue walking down a white corridor ( Describe the camera shot ) As the following lines are being said they continue walking down the this seamlessly long corridor.

Ezekiel: “I get everything… (pause) except one thing. Why am I young again? I’m quite sure (pause) I died an old man”(smile)

God: “ You would like to be a frail old man? I could make that happen ( Tease )”

Ezekiel: “ No, no, it just feels weird, like it’s not my body”

God puts his hand on Ezekiels shoulder, which stops the two of them from the continuous walk they were on

God: “ Get use to it, it’s going to be yours for all eternity” (smile)

Ezekiel smiles to himself, looks at his body, his hands in realisation, in wonder. He then looks at God in a perplexed face like he wants to ask a question but dares not to.

God: “what is it child, you can always talk to me”

Ezekiel gathers strength and asks the question.

Ezekiel: “ Yahweh, you said this was a stop, that this is not heaven and I have unfinished business. What..what is this business.”

God: “Unforgiveness Ezekiel. It is unforgiveness”

Ezekiel: “I don’t remember, not forgiving someone”

God: “Come, you will see soon, we are almost there”

(out focus of camera, blur )

As their conversation slowly dies down to silence, they finally reach a perfectly white rectangular door, god puts his hand on the steel silver doorknob gesturing to open it. The door opens and the light fills the room. A man (
Tomas Heinz) is sitting on a wooden chair. He is chained to that very chair he is sitting on creating a sense of danger from him. Tomas Heinz is in black straight jacket. Everything is black, except his shoe laces.

CLOSE UP: The man’s features are not clearly visible except that he has blonde hair and blue eyes. As he looks into the camera he stares in anger.

(camera focuses on the blonde hair and blue eyes)

Tomas (taunting): “ well, well what do we have here? Come to play with me?”

God (Ignores Tomas): “Come in Ezekiel, do not be afraid”

Ezekiel proceeds to stand next to God.

Tomas: “Ezekiel? What a name. You brought another Jew? Again..?”

God (Angry): “Silence!”
The lights flicker in the room.

(Camera shifts to lights)

The room goes dead quiet; God moves his body closer to Ezekiel, and he whispers into Ezekiel’s ear.

God: “I know this will be hard for you Ezekiel, but, you must persevere. Your unforgiveness of this man is holding you back. You must forgive him, you must try. I will leave you with him now, do not be afraid for I am always with you.”

Ezekiel: “Who is he?”

God smiles at Ezekiel put his hand on Ezekiel shoulder and exits the room, closing the door behind him.

The room goes silent for a few second. Ezekiel is afraid to open his mouth; he finally he manages to conjure up the courage to do so.

( 2 cameras side of the heads conversation shot )
Ezekiel: “Who are you?”

No reply from Tomas

Ezekiel: “Who are you? Can you hear me”

Still no reply

Ezekiel: “Who. Are. You? Why are you ignoring me”

Tomas: “Ezekiel, would you talk to an ant if it were disturbing you? No, You wouldn’t, you would smack it and kill it. However as you can see, I am sort of chained down. So I do the best thing I can do. I ignore it.”

Ezekiel: “Ant...”

EXT – old grey buildings
An ss soldier hitting a man down onto the floor, while he does this he shouts:
SS soldier: “You stupid ANT, I would kill every single one of you Jews if I could!”

Back to reality

Ezekiel (In disbelief): “no...You’re a Nazi”

Tomas(sarcastic): “finally! Bravo, bravo I would clap for you if I could”
Shakes his body so his chains would rattle

Ezekiel slumps down onto the floor and places his hand on his head in disbelief.

Tomas: “So Jew, what did I do to you that demands forgiveness? Torture your mother? Rape your sister? Kill your vermin father?”

-CLOSE UP- Ezekiel is very distraught he’s covering his face curled up next to a wall on the verge of crying

Ezekiel (says very softly to himself on the verge of tears): “Oh god..WHY? anybody but him.”

(camera pans the scene with the rain pouring and shows the entire scene of the concentration camp, uniformed shirts, pistols, trucks and chains attached on prisoner’s feet )
-FLASH BACK - To the concentration camp where Tomas was an SS officer. It shows him shooting five people. Two of those people were Ezekiel’s parents. The camera shot shows a woman holding a young boy back crying and shouting “mama! Papa” trying to reach out to them. I

-back to the present-

Tomas (firstly disgusted, and then angry): “Oh...get up, what are you doing there crying in the corner ANSWER YOUR MASTER, tell me what I did to you”

Ezekiel (in a fit of rage): “SCREW YOU!”

Ezekiel gets up onto his feat, fist full of fury approaching Tomas’s chair, he intends to hurt Tomas. He prepares to do, he gets ready to attack. As he gets close to Tomas he gets repelled, an invisible shield appears to protect Tomas. Ezekiel falls to the ground because of the shield. He puts his hand to his hands and pulls on his hair in frustration. While this is all happening Tomas is laughing uncontrollably, in an effort to agitate Ezekiel.

Tomas(in triumph): “It would seem your Yaweh, loves everyone, even me” (taunting laugh)

Ezekiel( in response): “You murdered my family, you left me an orphan! You killed many more, why are you not in hell?!”

Tomas: “This is my hell you stupid Jew! Do you think I want to spend all eternity talking to the Jews i’ve killed over the years for the Reich! No I don’t but alas I will make you suffer even in my torment”

Ezekiel: “Why am I here?”

Tomas: “To spend time with me you fool” (Laugh)
(echo .. camera slowly leaves the room fading into the distance)
*Fades to black*

Scene 3

Ezekiel now sits opposite Tomas, slouching against the wall. With his head recline upwards toward the heavens.

Tomas( as if casually talking to a friend): “You know I loved every minute of the occupation, I loved taking the money that was rightfully mine, I loved killing the pests which stole our money. It just felt right you know? It felt like it was Gods plan, don’t know why we lost ”

Ezekiel: “I don’t care, you should be punished for what you did when you were alive, you shouldn’t be here”

Tomas: “oh come on don’t say that, that’s very mean of you, I don’t think God would like that sentiment very much now would he? HAHAHAHAHA (sarcastic laughter )”

Tomas shakes his chains and laughs

Tomas: “I want to die, but I’m not allowed to, so I torment you. I torment you!”

Tomas: “I don’t remember taking your parents life, after all do you remember every bug you squash?”

Tomas: “Don’t ignore me, speak when you are spoken to you rat!”

Ezekiel (looks down at Tomas): “I remember you now, you said exactly the same thing when I was 9 in Warsaw”

-Flash back- to Ezekiel being shouted at by Tomas. Ezekiel is first standing next to his mother as the SS soldier shouts those words at him he slowly retreats behind his mother’s protection.

-back to the present-

Tomas: “You remembered me, was it a good memory?”

Ezekiel: “Be quiet you demon, my father was a good man, my mother was a good woman, I hate you for it. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!”

A pain looked came upon his face, he suddenly realised what he had said, something so terrible. He touched his head in surrender to his words, he defeated himself.

Ezekiel: “ I wish he were here, he would know what to do”

Tomas: “ I wish he were here too, maybe I can kill him again” ( laugh )

Ezekiel (sobbing in frustration) : “ can I forgive”

Tomas: “try as hard as you can, you will never ever forgive the man who killed you mother and father” (Laugh)

Ezekiel (says softly in his sobbing): “what should I do, would you forgive him Dad? Would you?”


Ezekiel’s father is tucking him to sleep, he touches Ezekiel’s forehead affectionately and kisses him on the forehead.

Dad: “Goodnight my son”

Ezekiel: “Dad can I ask you a question?”
Dad: “sure thing, what’s troubling you?”

Ezekiel: “Im scared, this is not our home, I want to go home”

Ezekiel’s father embraces him kisses his head

Dad: “Don’t worry Zeke, things will turn out okay. I just want you to remember, these bad people they are like this because they don’t have God, sooner or later God will come and help us, God is in you so he will protect you. He is in me, he will protect me. So don’t worry. Zeke I also want you to forgive them for what they have done to you. You remember the lords prayer, you say that every night before you sleep, now what does he say? Forgive us our (Ezekiel joins in)….. sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Very good son, remember I love you, go to sleep”


(camera focuses on half his face)
Ezekiel(mutters to himself): “forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us”

Tomas: “What? What did you say speak up!”

Ezekiel(Louder): “forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us!”

Tomas: “Really now? Think about it are you making the right decision?”

Ezekiel: “Yes, I am, I fo-“

Tomas (interrupts): “NO, NO don’t say it”

Ezekiel(Extreme close up to Ezekiel’s lips”: “ I forgive you”

As the words are said Tomas is heard screaming “NOOOOO” suddenly there is a bright light and the room disperses along with Tomas. The camera is focused on Ezekiel’s front as the room is dispersing and slowly disintegrating, his black tie slowly turns from black to white, as the room disappears he ends up on the beach where God is standing not too far away from him (high flash of lights make brightness too hard to be visible)

God (reassuring taps his back with his hands): “I am proud of you my son, you escaped prison, you escaped the prison that you trapped yourself in because of your unforgiveness, and I’m proud of you”

(camera shot from head moving slowly down to tie, pause for a bit, slowly move down focus on shoe)
Ezekiel (smiles) “Thanks, got a new tie”

God (nods): “Now to get rid of the shoes”

Looks out to the beautiful blue ocean before them and fades out.

Script written by

Eric Tan and Sahdique M.

Friday, April 29, 2011


A boy gave his girlfriend a challenge;to live a day without him & if she did it he would love her more. The girl agreed and she didnt talk to him for a day without knowing he had only 24 hours so live because he was suffering from cancer. She went to his house the next day tears falling from her eyes as she saw him lying in a coffin with a note on the side:'You did it baby,you can do it everyday


She's hearing voices.
As she lay awake, staring at the skies.
The sight was lovely, the Moon was full and the grass was dry.
It was a spectacular view.
The clouds were kind on that very night.
Pantra beach felt like heaven.

Whispering voices of oncoming doom.
The car was parked and the handbrakes on.
250BPM Drum and Bass was blasting out of her dad's 93 volkswagen.
Puffing on Spliff, she felt her imagination run wild.
Trippy and lightheaded she fumbled through her pockets for her digital camera.
A shooting star! Must make a wish, she thought to herself.

A painful death, a gutting heart-wrenching experience.
Her eyes closed, and she breathed her last breath.

Death had taken her.


Sarah and Sam

Sarah sat on her bed, trouble and distraught. There was a deep darkness to her face that simply felt unnatural. It was unlike her to be this empty. Sam sat beside her, wrapping his arms around her. It helped slightly, Sarah forced a crooked smile as tears started dripping down her face. Not having the slightest clue what was troubling her, Sam whispered in her ear. "What's wrong, Sarah?"
Sarah shooked her head. "Everything's fine, nothing's wrong at all.. It's just... I don't know... Ugh. My life is a complete wreck right now! Dad's left, Mom's dying, My grades are horrible. I'm Scared Sam.. I'm really scared. I feel all alone." 
Sam loved Sarah deeply, they've been best friends for years but he never had the guts to tell her how he felt. He hugged Sarah harder and kissed her on the cheek. "Everything will be alright soon, I'm here for you... I'll never leave you."
 Sarah took Sam by the hands, deeply grateful for his company. On the brink of depression, thoughts of suicide ran through her mind. She gazed deep into his eyes. In that moment of suspense, she felt at ease, her mind was clear. She was at peace with herself. The reflection of her face in Sam's eyes sparked a flame inside her. She knew what she had to do. 

That passion and flame inside her grew, fuelled by teen spirit and raging hormones. Sarah started kissing Sam passionately. Sam taken by surprise stiffened as his arms went rigid. Not knowing what to do he simply sat there while Sarah flung herself at him, tearing through his dark red checkered shirt. This was the day he'd been waiting for all his life. All those erotic dreams and thoughts were coming true, yet he couldn't bring himself to do anything.
Sarah grabbed Sam's right arms and placed it on her left breast, moving it about. Sam squeezed gently and lightly, the soft supple flesh bouncing around within the palm of his hands. It felt wrong, Sam didn't feel the slightest bit of arousal. He was exploiting her. She was at her most vulnerable point in life and he was taking advantage of her. He pulled his face away from Sarah. " I can't do this Sarah.. It's wrong, you're my best friend."




really? like literally?
me of all people? I'm a brilliant writer.
I am the Shakespeare of the 21st Century.
The rising star of Pop Culture.
Fame and Fortune awaits me.
My throne is waiting to be claimed.
Haters shall perish and banished to the ethereal.
Kneel Before me and submit to your master.
You are my creation
You are my work of Art.
My Great Gatsby, My Le Morte D'Arthur


i need to write a script for a script writing competition, however I am out of brain juice. I can't even bring myself to do any of my assignments and i haven't touched a single piece of work for about a week now. Really, how do you expect me to start thinking of ideas for a story. It's pretty fucking stupid thou, how I can not think of anything or get my creative juices flowing when I literally spent the entire holidays watching movies, videos and short films. I'm in a huge fucking dillema now. I  feel like an old engine that's lost all its steam. My parts are rusty and the coat is peeling.

As I sit here in my bedroom,shivering cold, listening to Newton Faulkner i keep thinking about shoving a pen up my bum and turning it around constantly forcing it in and out. With each thrust, my hormones start to rage and I yell out in sadistic pleasure. I feel my penis starting to stiffen as the blood gushes through, darkening the muscles. In that moment I feel at ease. My senses aroused and my needs satisfied. At this very moment, i know what it truly feels like to be a man. To be a fucking Anal retard.


Sunday, April 24, 2011


Random tunes on the notebook played as Ray sat on his bed, covered in layers and layers of blankets. It was a cold chilly night and as the wind howled and banged against the windows of his 100 year old apartment. Ray felt miserable about his life. Kelvin was an awesome friend to Ray, having been through some of his most difficult times in life but there was just something that Ray was finding difficult to come to terms with. Being in a new environment and all, he just wanted to play safe but still take chances. Trivial things like money have always been a problem for Ray. Coming from a family with high expectations and demands Ray’s pretty much pressured and confused. Perhaps he may not be who he thinks he is.

As he stared at the notebook aimlessly clicking through random pages of Facebook friends, whom half of which he had lost, contact with, there was a sense of loss in his eyes. Blank as they may seem it wasn't the old jubilee, cocky Ray that night. He was something else; there was definitely a difference about him. Something sinister was playing in his head. Recent events, one would assume, but that cynical grin across his tight gaunt pale face and his widened eyelid was a cause for concern. He seemed depressed and terribly troubled. 

*BANG BANG BANG* the sound of wood being thudded echoed throughout the entire room and bits of dust started dropping off the ceiling. Ray woke out of his daze and looked around for the door. "WHHHAT!?" he yelled in an annoyed tone. The door swung wide opened bringing with it beams of light from the other room and there was Kelvin, his roommate, with a jug filled with some yellow substance. Without permission Kelvin let himself into the room with a wide grin plastered on his face, the kind that The Joker would wear. At this point Ray immediately shut his notebook and sat up straight, wondering what was it that Kelvin was about to say.  "SPLASH!" "HAHA MOTHERFUCKERR! Shouted Kelvin and took off in a sprint leaving the door UN shut. The jug fell onto the floor with a loud crack. 

Drenched in a putrid shower of yellow substance, the smell of ammonia stricken Ray’s nose and he knew exactly what it was. "Yuck pew pew pew pew" he spat out the minuscule droplets of liquid that entered his lips. He slid off his bed and took any valuables away from the contaminated area. Fury and rage was starting to consume Ray as he clenched his fist and pounded at the now soaked in urine bed. "What the Fuck is this supposed to be? Ray started talking to himself. Pushing all the unaffected clothes and sheets away from the source of the spreading flood, he accidentally stepped on a piece of jagged glass from the broken jar "AHHHHHRRRHG HOLY SHIT, FUCK FUCK FUCK!" it was deep, a very big piece of glass had penetrated his left foot and he was starting to lose a lot of blood. Now stained in piss and covered in blood from the ankle length, Ray took his black shirt off and cut a strip off it with his teeth. Teeth clenched hard against the cloth he closed his eyes as beads of perspiration trickled down his creased forehead, veins started to appear, the agony he was going through was intense. With the rest of the torn shirt he wrapped them around his hands and proceeded to pull the jagged glass away from the deep cut. 

At this point Tears began to well in his eyes from the insane pain that he had to endure, his face turned a shade of bright crimson red as he held his breath and tugged as hard as he could on the glass. 
Blood immediately started gushing out of his foot and was beginning to stain the carpet with thick red coagulated stains. The hole in his feet was wide enough to stuff a box of cigarettes. In a desperate attempt for assistance Ray yelled as loud as his lungs could "FUCKING HELP ME SOMEONE, WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING AT SON?!"  He limped towards the door with his right knee, crying in frustration and agony. Was anyone going to render him any assistance? As he pulled the shelf towards him, things started getting blurry. He was talking gibberish and tried as best as he could to hold on for support. He was drifting in and out of consciousness. In a last ditch attempt to speak he exhaled his final words "whhh--yy?" finally he blacked out and laid there on the floor foaming from the mouth leaving behind a trail of blood on the carpet. 


"I'm not dead, No I can't be" these were the first words I uttered after regaining consciousness. I looked down at my hands, they weren't bloody, my feet weren’t aching and I smelt normal. I wasn't drenched it blood or filth. A sense of uncertainty came across me. I looked up at the individual in front of me, he had a white suit on and an Angelic face, it was too good to be human. I have never seen such facial features before, exquisite, supple, and bright. Almost as if it was perfection. I looked up at the man and told him "I can't be dead!" At initial glance he looked just like any other human except for the angelic features, till he tilted towards the side to inspect my legs. I was struck with awe at the sight of the feathery wings that were protruding out of his white suit. They were massive and pure, white pure...
"Oh Dear, another one in denial! Look, he said addressing me; I'm just going to do a quick background check on you that's all. I can't answer any of your questions. There will be time for that later. Please lie still. I need to check your judgment."

"What?? You mean like Heaven or Hell? Is this for real? But. No. I can't be dead I just lost a lot of blood. My friend was just pulling a prank on me, You got to check this again, this can't be right I'm only 19!!" I was starting to sound hysterical at this moment.
He stopped me right there with his warm hand to my chest. He heaved a sigh of relief and looked me up and down. I stared at his eyes dreamily as they moved around his sockets. He sniffed, looked at his notepad and made some sort of scribbling on it. "Stand up please!" I felt slightly uneasy about doing just that but nevertheless I tried lifting my right foot initially, seemed fine. Left foot next, oh perfect, I stood up and looked around. I started sniffing on my shirt, definitely no putrid smell there. I was perfect, my skin was flawless and my legs were perfect.  I was untouched, uninjured. I was dead...


"What the..." as I stared at square boxes on the Ceilings. “Not Again" I couldn't move any part of my body, I was strapped down to a bed. I was at a hospital, I hate hospitals, and I’ve never liked them. They have always been a sign of failure. It was always something stupid and serious that lands me in here. Frustration grew and I wished I had control of my hands.  I closed my eyes; I didn't want my family to see me this way. How was I to explain how I ended up in a predicament like this once again? "God Damn It!"
I heard the familiar swoosh of medical gowns and the efficient tap of footsteps. I tried to stay calm and control my breathing; not wanting to accelerate my heart beat.

"Hello?" I didn't move. "If you would just sit up, then I can take a look at you." I stayed perfectly still. A grunt of dissatisfaction came from the end of my bed. A few brisk tapping sounds - a computer keyboard - and the voice spoke again. "You can hear me. Please sit up; I'm on a pretty tight schedule. That sounded unusual. I couldn't help it, one eye flickered open and the sight before me made me jerk upright. The buckles that held me against my will came unloose. There was a doctor at the end of my hospital bed except she had... wings. They sprouted from her back, giant, feathered and, the weirdest thing, yellow! "Wait, so I'm not alive?" Her face creased in concern. "No, I'm sorry, darling, you're dead."I couldn't help it, a smile started growing and soon I had a full-blown grin spread across my face. "Is everything alright?" She looked rather confused. I realized I must look insane. I searched for a plausible explanation. "Yeah, uh, so you're an angel right?" She nodded. "Well, are angels supposed to have yellow wings?"She gave me a relieved smile. I was sure I wouldn't have received that if I told her the truth. "Well, I suppose white is traditional, but we can have any color we want and I just feel yellow is so much warmer and, well, friendlier!"She beamed. God, I hoped all angels weren't that happy. I wouldn't last a day.

Special thanks to ~DarkAngel~FlameTear (Deviant Art)  for the ending
This was a very unexpected story, it started with me lying in bed, trying to doze off 
and somehow i ended up finding myself engaged in what I was writing. So this is what 
came out of it I guess. (: hope you guys enjoy. One of my randomness moments again.