
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My problem with atheism

Many atheists should be called anti-christians. I'm pretty sure Christianity creates more atheists than any other faith.

Many atheists arguments and stereotypes that atheists like to use come from criticism of the Bible and Christianity which in my view is an irrational faith (Hence why so many young Mormons become atheists). I personally believe that many atheists are born not out of the ability and/or willingness to believe in a Supreme God but are born out of the ability and/or willingness to believe in the God that Christianity presents.

You don't see many atheists openly insulting and badmouthing the Qur'an because most atheists come from Christian families or Christian environments. Also you can't so easily refute the Qur'an or make it look stupid.

I think if a lot of atheists objectively read/studied the Qur'an for themselves they would see how religion can be rational, logical, and science and religion don't have to clash and how the two are perfectly reconcilable. In fact the 1500 year old Qur'an has many scientific truths in it that weren't widely known at the time.

I believe I'll write a paper before Feb 22 on how science is not the enemy of religion and how God and science not only do not refute each other but how they are so closely intertwined and post it here.


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