
Thursday, February 10, 2011

My room is a mess. Every once in a while I set aside time to bring it into order, but in a few days it's back to being a mess. I am incapable of keeping things in order.

I am *creative*. But I can't find time to be creative because I manage time so ineffectively. I used to think my disorganized ways were something that was a part of, or even enhancing, my creativeness. I've gotten over that as I've realized that it just gets in the way of things I want to do.

When I was younger I was diagnosed as ADHD, and then bipolar disorder. I don't take medication for either, because I've experienced horrible side effects as a result. And overall, I'm able to live my life and do well at work and school. Just not as good as I think I'd do if I could be more organized.

Some people it just seems, are naturally organized. But I pretty much spend my life daydreaming 24/7, never getting enough sleep or at the right time, always waking up tired and lethargic, always late to class or with assignments. My schedule is a mess and I rush projects because I don't allow enough time for them or forget completely, and I can't enjoy my leisure time because I'm too anxious about getting everything done.

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