
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

no idea what i just said.

well the problem now is i cant seem to type big words and make full use of the intensive vocabulary i have that's locked deep within the confinements of my ignorant and impassive mind. I am not quick witted and skilled at the art of fluency and the petty attempts i have been attempting to sound pompous and high-class has all been futile and utterly embarassing.

I sometimes ponder over the complexity and deluded thoughts of my mind and why there is such a need for me to act in such a insecure manner, is there a certain message that i have to convey to society that i would like to be percieved and recognised as an elite and a cut above the rest?, that i succumb to inflicting self damage to myself by consuming thoughts and consuming pain. The self denial and pity i drown myself in only further explains my point.

We exist in a comprehensive society that demands a great deal out of us, though we may still be teenagers and have yet to experience the vast happiness and pleasure the world has yet to offer us. We are constantly being put down and having our dreams shattered, leaving us confused and lost not knowing how to pick up the pieces and get back on track.

Fuck Society,  I'm a Down Syndrome Child. I try to be Normal. but i'm not. i'm missing a chromosome or i probably have 1 extra.


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