
Thursday, July 15, 2010


dick. (W) says:
ian says:
*i can't balance the 12.5 out on both sides of the short bar cause it'd be like 6.25 kg each side
*so i just do curls on the long bar
dick. (W) says:
*hear me out okay
ian says:
*sure, sup man?
dick. (W) says:
*i need to see a doctor badly, but i dont have insurance.
*nor do i have any money.
*i've had an ulcer for years and have just dealt with it
*watching what i eat, etc.. it's gotten progresively worse over the years, but i've never had the money to do something about it.
*Over the last few days, i've had serious stomach pain, accompanied by a perfectly symmetricial pain in my back.
*from what i can tell, this means the ulcer has eaten through my stomach and digestive fluid is dripping out into my chest cavity. this is potentially fatal.
*like i said, i have no money, no insurance, no assets, nothing even of signinifcant worth to be pawned or sold, but i need to see a doctor.
*what can i do?
*i imagine treatment will be unimaginably expenisve, but the fact is, i really really dont want to die.
*help me out. are there any kind of special medical loans, charity groups? payment plans? ANYTHING?
ian says:
*first thing you need to do is get yourself checked out
*like go to the hospital
*tell them exactly what you're telling me now
*they'll have some financial assistance scheme
*i can try to save abit of cash and help out
*but i'm not sure if it'll be a significant enough amount
dick. (W) says:
*you're really serious about wat i said? LOL
*Damn you're such a nice fella man.
*i was just trolling u thou.
*sorry sorry! T-T
ian says:
*LOL i thought you were serious
dick. (W) says:
ian says:
*hahahahaha nice one, you got me(:
dick. (W) says:
ian says:
*lol omg i went to wiki and serached stomach ulcer to see if the symptoms are like back pain and shit
dick. (W) says:
*omgosh. lol u so cute.
*fuck i wish i could post this on fb lol too bad : (
*would've goten alot of lol's.

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