
Monday, January 17, 2011

Your first sign that your country is fucking corrupt

should be the fact that it takes millions of fucking dollars to run for any major public office positions...

how is that any different than the aristocracy and nobles we read about in our history books? Literally a system created to cater to lobbyist money.

You know how you can start making a change? By opening your fucking mind and not attacking anyone that questions your fake perception of reality. The Government doesn't even need to damage control much for obvious false flag attacks like 9/11 when they have mindless sheep on call 24/7 trying to discredit anyone who questions the official story. You contribute to the ignorance, anti-intellectualism and blind belief of authority that is killing this country. People whose arguments are backed up by loud empty words rather than logic or reason. Its sad that many of you won't realize how wrong you were about everything until you're forced to eat government rationed Soylent Green.

it literally is obvious

it just requires you to actually look into it rather than "hurf durf stupid truther"

But its ok brah, our glorious, uncorrupt government would never lie to us. We shouldn't question anything they tell us, they only tell us the truth.

now you're presenting a false dichotomy. it's obvious the government lies to us. but that doesn't mean that they conducted a controlled explosion on the tallest buildings in the world without anyone except a few crackpots on the internet noticing.

i mean it seems like if they were that good they could have planted some WMDs in iraq

at this point I really don't give a fuck any more. Its silly that I have to ignore something so fucking obviously fishy because simpletons like yourself can't fathom that 3,000 American lives is nothing to the people profiting off of 9/11. People who with little to no research write off a false flag attack as hooey while defending the honor of the same government that is killing millions in Iraq.

When you have a group of engineers literally telling you "Yeah brah, structurally it was impossible for those planes to fall like that"

and when you literally have people from the 9/11 commission questioning the validity of the information that they were given

at some point it becomes fucking obvious. Your refusal to even acknowledge the evidence is no one's fault but your own. The evidence is out there and piling up more and more.

But its cool guys, the Germans blindly believed their government too

but that's Nazi Germany! Our glorious "Amerikkka" wouldn't lie to us!

if they know then why don't they get it published

you can find historians who believe the holocaust didn't happen, physicists that think we didn't go to the moon, biologists who don't believe in evolution, doctors who don't believe in AIDS, climatologists who don't believe in climate change really take your pick you can find an "expert" to back you up. there are thousands of institutions the world over that can give you a PhD, it doesn't mean you're not crazy. the real test is whether it's published in peer reviewed scientific journals.

it's amusing that you bring up the nazis because if we had a holocaust denier in here he would tell you you're a sheep for buying into the holocaust myth. it was manufactured by the international jewish conspiracy to discredit the germans and make sure they can hold on to israel. plenty of historians and politicians back him up. in fact he'd probably be using the exact same arguments as you, just with some cherry-picked factoids substituted for others.

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