
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's just abnormal to whack it to a cartoon no matter how "sexy" it may be.

Is it any more abnormal to whack to a girl who for the most part will likely remain only a fantasy for you? If you routinely whack off to pictures of normal girls with clothing doing normal activities, then good for you. But 99% of the male population(or at least those that frequent the internet) whack off to girls in abnormal situations who commonly do things in abnormal positions that fit their specifications of a sexual fantasy, not the real-life "normal" girl down the street or in school interaction and thus most of the things we whack off to may be considered abnormal. In the same sense, hentai is merely another medium to satisfy our "abnormal" sexual desires.

Summary:Please shut the hell up about people whacking off to cartoons and if you must bash a fetish, go for the pedos.

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