
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

resumes and jobs

As the person who directly hires and reviews all resumes and conducts interviews, I can say that almost all of that is 100% true.

The only thing I personally disagree with is the requirement of a cover letter. I'm sifting through 50-100 resumes for any given opening each time I post one online.

I really don't give a fuck about your life aspirations and goals, nor do I give a shit that you walk your dog every day and volunteer at your local retirement home. Very rarely will I come across one that actually peaks my interest within the first few sentences, and instead, I immediately go to the resume and check your previous work experience.

Cover letters are a waste of time when I have other projects I have to complete that day. Get me to the meat and potatoes of why I should hire you, and for god sakes, if you're going to include a cover letter, at least make it half-way interesting.The dull, collegiate level of writing that fails to infuse any sort of personality or emotion into it immediately gets sent to my trash folder.

If I was only getting 10 applicants, my view would certainly be different, but in this job market, you have janitors and former secretaries applying for upper level IT and marketing positions, citing their ability to learn. The best part is when I start seeing your resume submitted 6 times for 6 completely different jobs. Jack of all trades, or what?

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