
Friday, February 27, 2009

I have played wow for about three years now. all i can say is the game is completely broken. pallies and dks run the game now. they did a 1gig patch and basically destroyed the game. when i first started it was buggy..but they fixed it well, very well. i remember when i never had lag, never got one shotted, never got frustrated. now the game is simply unbalanced. lets face it, after raiding, the only thing left to do is pvp. the pvp system in wow is DEAD. you have arena geared players in bgs, against people in greens. it doesnt make any sesne. i have a max level shaman in full bg(not arena) gear that still gets two shotted by pallies..even if i can hit one, the damage i do is pathetic. its been this way for 6 MONTHS...the reason i quit wow is because viewing the forums, the gms basically laugh at people who try to give imput. its a slap in the face and i feel downright insulted. after all the time and money and effort i put into leveling my toon, to get insulted like that is not right. the company obviously doesnt care about its players...and im sorry, but wotlk was SUPREME dissapointment. after that 1 gig patch and then a week of not being able to play without getting turned into a zombie..the game left me with a horrible taste in my mouth, i started releveling a druid to day, a pally ran past me and without even stopping killed me and kept on his way, i reviewed the combat log, he used one ability on me, i was in full blues and in bear form. RETARTED...he was also my level. before the patch i was top in damage and kills in bgs consistantly, after, near friend playes a warlock and feels the same, to have his damage nerfed into the ground was just not right. if you dont play a pally or a gay death knight, the game is almost pointless to play, and blizzard refuses to fix it. so, i am going to join the throngs of people moving over to play a game where killing the stupid dragon isnt the main focus.

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