
Saturday, September 11, 2010

if we wear a mask for too long we identify with the mask

which is why the great acts of redemption are reflected by new personas, new masks

what's most important isn't the new mask exactly, but the fact we moved, that we changed. That we defied stagnation. When we do these things we are celebrating life. movement and flexibility is how we're born, stiff is how we die.

the new masks aren't our true selves yet

but they are selves we created or chose for ourselves

we're forced to adapt to a mask when we were kids, we associated with pleasure and rejected pain. thus we created a crude way to maximize one and minimize another. but we didn't choose the results, we adapted as things came. there was no design.

part of being an adult is creating your own mask and bearing the responsibilities of it

we aren't free

but we have developed the desire to be free by choosing our own mask

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