
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

If you aren't atheist by age 18, you probably just aren't that intelligent

When I was nine or ten, I had serious doubts when I went to Church. The entire ceremony seemed pretty cult-like and I questioned nearly everything I learned in Sunday school. To me, there was just too much wrong with punishing people with Hellfire for not believing someone is magical, people who will blindly murder their own son in God's name should be rewarded and faith above logic or reason was just too ridiculous an argument for me. Don't get me wrong, I would actually enjoy the pastor's sermon every week since there is definitely wisdom to be learned in many of the Bible's stories, but even then I realized that I should probably just pocket the advice and leave the blind faith.

By twelve or thirteen I had fully grasped the concepts of many other major religions, looked at history's account of religious atrocities, and also had an much better understanding of all the scientific evidence that DIRECTLY contradicts what was taught to me in Church.

From then on out, I pursued an interest in science and rationality which pretty much persuaded me from religion. Don't get me wrong, I think there's some wonderful advice to be gained from some of the stories of the Bible, but there's an equal or greater amount of trash and just plain made-up falsities that honestly make me think that the more religious someone is, the less intelligent they are. There's just no excuse for people who think evolution is false because of an origin story from the Bible, or that creationism is a valid form of science and should be taught in schools.

After going to a very intelligent science/engineering college, my observation was strengthened since most of the campus was atheist except for a select group of art and theater majors. I'm not saying that every religious person is dumb, but I think there's a huge correlation between intelligence and how susceptible you are to act on faith.

Found this on the internet.

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