
Saturday, January 31, 2009


oo, something very very interesting xD

Causes of hyperactivity

There was a great deal of focus on Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder as a cause of hyperactivity. Other conditions can cause it as well. Normal young children can be very lively and may or may not have short attention spans. Normal teenagers can also appear hyperactive; puberty can cause it. Children who are bored, are suffering from mental conflict, or are having problems at home — which may even include sexual abuse — can be hyperactive. The disorder has a large range of effects on children. Some have learning disabilities, while others may be very gifted, or both.

[Note: i'm always bored no matter what lol. I don't have problems at home-_-" well actually i do but not that great anyway, so that point does not really matter. I'm so totally gifted, yeah! Learning disabilities? lol Additional Mathematics???]
P.S., My Maths is Fine.. not my A Maths

Hyperactivity can also occur because of problems with hearing or vision. Overactive thyroid, lead poisoning, atypical depression, mania, anxiety, sleep deprivation and a range of psychiatric illnesses are some of the potential causes.
[Yes! I have a Hearing and Visual Problem,everyone in school knows that ]

Severe cases of hyperactivity can be very harmful if left untreated, since hyperactive people seldom think about the consequences of their actions
[LOL WORD!, Nuff Said!]

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