
Thursday, April 24, 2008

I'm an explorer

Explorers have a strong, life-long feeling that they think very differently fromeveryone else, not necessarily worse, but different. This typically starts in primary school, and is often related to the conceptual and abstract thinking style that these students have. It can impart a feeling of isolation in the earlier years but very often, the explorer grows to embrace this difference, especially those explorers who seem most satisfied with their lives. Explorers love the arts and sciences and put a very high value on creativity. many could play musical instruments or paint. more than a few consider themselves thinkers or inventors, and some even have patents.

Many say they are ususually sensitive to sight,touch and sound. They notice the sound of the crunching leaves, or a small brid flying by. many explorers say they are moody and have swings of high energy lasting several days or weeks, followed by a period of fatigue.During periods of high energy, lots of great ideas surface, and the explorer often becomes brueid in half-finished projects. The "Foggs" are typically related to low levels of neurotransmitter activity in the brain which can manifest as depression and other seemingly unrelated conditions.Many explorers are on medication, i.e. a stimulant/antidepressant combo.Some use herbs like Gingko Biloba,St. John's Wort, or drink lots of cafeeine. Some are completely opposed to any unnatural substances whatsoever.

Many say they have verbal difficulties, and especially become fatigued while reading. Oddly enough, the same people describe themselves as compulsive readers! Others just love to write, and have published novels and poetry. Alot of explorers report High IQS. But they usually do it in the context of " they told me I have an IQ of 145, but i didn't do well in school."

Adult explorers often spend a lot of energy organizing their world, or at least thinking about getting organized. Even so, they find they are typically on the verge of chaos. They love spontaneity, being free to put all their efforts into something that suddenly captures their imagination. Explorers often describe themselves as visual thinkers. Adult explorers are scientists and engineers, teachers, doctors, homemakers , human relations expert, novelists, entrepreneurs and students. When they were kids, they daydreamed and were underachievers, fearing their inability to pay attentiona nd learn. they often were fidgety or the class clown, but the girls and introverts generally were not noticed. Some did very well only in certain types of classes, like the arts, or perhaps, they did well for a favourite teacher.

Many found themselves squeezed between admonishing parents and teachers, and were often unpopular with their peers. A few had no prolems in school and actualyl enjoyed it. Many explorers, who had difficult childhoods, feel that they only becmae a true person after they finished school and were on their own. There, they had the freedom to follow their instincts and to associate with other people they found interesting.

Most explorers have had bouts of depression and, to a lesser extent, anxiety or panic attacks. Many have simply trudged through and such experiences and eventually felt better, while others found professional help. Late nights on the internet are not uncommon for explorers. Some had bursts of midnight energy until very early in the morning.Then again, a few say they are early birds.
Explorers seem to be very spiritual, in both traditional and more creative ways. More than a few say that a strong belief in God has sustained them through the religion or lack thereof, explorers believe in a greater good, are idealistic, future oriented and are deeply moved by others' experiences. Many describe themselves as people who fight for what they believe in.

Explorers are divergent thinkers. They are always thinking of many other ways of doing things. Explorers are full of enthusiasm. However, they are easily distracted. What did i come into this roomf or? They are also frogetful. What was i about to say? Oh, yeah.. There is that memory thing, too. What's the word i'm looking for..?Explorers have a well developed sense of humour and are often playful or just plain silly. They can do unexpected juvenile things, especially in uptight and serious atmospheres. Saying "I have a preferance for Happy Meal Toys" ( Andrew made me Highlight that part Lol)and singing like " i wish i were an Oscar meyer Wenier," especially if there's an important deadline to meet.

When it comes to getting things done,explorers have trouble "staying on task" because they are so filled with ideas and are distracted by other things. For example, You start organizing the closet, find an old picture, and start writing your family history. After a while, you impulsively start cleaning up the kitchen, and half way through, become hooked on the internet.

=D : d

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.